Sunday, June 21, 2009

More birth announcements!

Prissy, Corrina and Gypsy all had litters in May.  Daisy's Dainty Dogs has been busy caring for our brand new Poms and Pom-a-poos!  We have 4 Poms - 3 Female and one Male.  We also have 4 male pom-a-poos.  Mom's are all healthy and happy as are the puppies.  Our pom-a-poos are 4 weeks old now and our poms are 6 1/2 weeks.  Gypsy and Corrina gave birth 2 days apart!

Here are pictures of our newest arrivals:
Their ears perk up when they hear the camera click!


So sweet!
These are the really cute 4 week old white pom-a-poos.
And here is the Odd-ball out of the litter.  He's almost black with a bit of white on his chest and brown and silver flecks all over his body.  He's a beauty - such a sweet little face and disposition!